Suncoast Area Service Committee

The Suncoast Area Service Committee was formed to help the groups meet the needs of NA members. We provide valuable services to the groups such as literature ordering, open forum to discuss concerns or changes, and a place for GSR’s to bring back news from other groups, the region, and world. The final authority for NA service rests with the groups. If you would like to know more or get involved, the Suncoast ASC meets every second Sunday of the month at Our Lady Queen of Martyrs, 833 Magellan Drive, Sarasota FL 34243 (click here for a map of the location) starting at 3:30 PM! This facility is not affiliated with NA!

We keep what we have by giving it away! Service is the backbone of the NA community!

Click here for Area Minutes and RCM reports

Click here for Group Forms and Literature

Click here for Suncoast Area Policy